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The reasons that affect the screening effect of vibrating screen

In the beneficiation plant, the vibrating screen is one of the commonly used classification equipment. The screening effect of the vibrating screen is of great significance to subsequent operations. Therefore, how to improve the screening effect of the vibrating screen is a problem that needs to be considered. Below we will briefly analyze what factors have an impact on the screening effect. How to improve the screening effect of vibrating screens by changing these factors.

screening efficiency of vibrating screens

Many factors affect the screening effect of the vibrating screen for mines. Three of the more important factors are the characteristics of the material entering the screen, the parameters of the screen surface of the vibrating screen, and the movement parameters of the vibrating screen. We will analyze these three factors one by one, and explore how to improve the effect of vibrating screens by changing these factors.

screening efficiency of vibrating screens

1. The characteristics of the material that enters the sieve

Different materials have their unique characteristics, with differences in density, hardness, and water content. Generally speaking, the screening effect of materials with higher hardness and better brittleness is better than that of materials with lower hardness and poor brittleness. Among them, the particle size and moisture content of the material are the two key factors that affect the screening efficiency of the vibrating screen.

When the particle size of the material is close to the mesh size, the screening efficiency will be significantly reduced. These particles may block the screen holes, resulting in a reduction in the effective screening area. This is a common phenomenon in the process of closed-circuit crushing. This situation can be improved by increasing the amplitude of the vibrating screen. The increase in amplitude can promote the passage of fine-grained materials through the screen surface and reduce the occurrence of clogging. In addition, it can increase the passing rate of the middle part of the screen to improve the screening effect. The screen surface utilization rate of the vibrating screen can be improved by changing the feeding method. Multi-channel feeding can be used to reduce the movement time and distance of the screened material on the screen surface and improve the screening effect.

When the water content of the material is large, the material is prone to adhesion, which reduces the screening efficiency. Generally speaking, the screening effect of wet materials with larger water content can be improved by enlarging the sieve holes. However, if the sludge content of the materials is greater than 8%, wet screening or pre-washing methods should be used. deal with.

screening efficiency of vibrating screens

2. Screen surface parameters of vibrating screen

The parameters of the vibrating screen surface include the shape of the vibrating screen mesh, the opening rate of the vibrating screen surface, the material of the screen surface, and so on. Generally speaking, a long screen surface has a long material residence time, more chances to penetrate the screen, and high efficiency, while a widescreen surface has a better processing capacity.

The opening rate of the screen surface of the vibrating screen here refers to the effective screening area of the vibrating screen, that is, the ratio of the screen area to the total area of the screen surface. The larger the effective screen area, the higher the productivity per screen surface, and the screening efficiency Higher.

In terms of materials, different screen surface materials will also have an impact on the screening effect, which can directly affect the adhesion coefficient of minerals and screens. For viscous minerals, rubber and polyurethane screen materials with greater elasticity should be used to ensure that the materials on the screen are loose.

screening efficiency of vibrating screens

3. Motion parameters of vibrating screen

The motion parameters of the vibrating screen include two factors: the vibration frequency of the vibrating screen and the direction angle of the vibrating screen. Vibration enables the material on the screen surface to be thrown away from the screen surface so that the coarse material reaches the upper layer of the material layer, and the fine material reaches the lower layer of the material layer. For materials with large particle size, generally, the higher the frequency, the higher the number of bounces on the screen surface, the increased chance of contact between the material and the screen surface, and the reduction of the occurrence of clogging of the screen holes. Therefore, appropriately increasing the vibration frequency can effectively improve the screening effect.

The vibration direction angle is the angle between the vibration direction line and the screen surface. The larger the value of this angle, the smaller the horizontal movement distance of the material in the screening process, and the lower the relative movement speed on the screen. It has been obtained through practice that the direction angle should be small when sieving materials are easy to screen, and the direction angle should be large when sieving materials that are difficult to screen. In general, the direction angle of the linear vibrating screen is between 30 degrees and 60 degrees, and the direction angle of the circular vibrating screen is 90 degrees.

screening efficiency of vibrating screens

After the above analysis, we understand some of the factors that affect the screening effect of the mine vibrating screen and how to improve the efficiency of the vibrating screen. In short, we must choose the vibrating screen according to actual needs, choose the appropriate screen surface material as much as possible, and improve the motor adjustment excitation. Vibration force, and try to ensure the lower water content of the material, and improve the screening effect under the premise of ensuring the processing capacity.

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