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The problem of the thrust bearing of the cone crusher

The upper circular plate of the thrust bearing of the cone crusher is connected with the hollow eccentric shaft through a pin, and the middle circular plate and the middle circular plate slide relatively during the production process. New thrust shafts are usually unable to achieve the ideal effect of equipment operation due to their production process and other reasons. Therefore, they often need to be ground and scraped before installation to make their performance better.

 the cone crusher

The grinding and scraping of the thrust shaft are mainly divided into two parts: rough scraping and fine scraping. Before grinding, usually check the flatness of the two contact surfaces. You can evenly apply a thin layer of red lead powder on the contact surface, and then let the two contact parts closely contact each other to rotate clockwise and then counterclockwise alternately, and then determine which places are the contact points and which places are not in contact.

 the cone crusher

For rough scraping, a 25mm flat or slightly larger special spatula is commonly used, and the ground contact surface is scraped off in a hook shape. Repeatedly scraping until several contact points and non-contact points are flat. Then continue to grind repeatedly, use a spatula to finely scrape the oil storage points, starting from the center of the disc during the fine scraping process, the larger the diameter, the better the distribution of the contact points.

 the cone crusher

In relatively sliding parts, too many, too few, or uneven distribution of contact points between the contact surfaces may affect the smooth running of the bearing in production. Therefore, during the grinding process, it is usually necessary to ensure that the number of contact points within the range of 25X25mm between the two contact surfaces is not less than three. For the grinding of contact surfaces of different materials, the harder parts can be ground first, and then other parts can be ground on this basis.

 the cone crusher

The grinding and scraping of the thrust shaft is a relatively basic guarantee to ensure the mutual sliding effect between the contact surfaces. The flatness between the two contact surfaces can reduce mutual wear, and at the same time make the cone crusher equipment Friction is reduced and performance is improved.

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