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Problems And Solutions Of Gravel Equipment For Sale

Artificial sand prevails, and gravel equipment has become indispensable equipment in the sand-making industry. Gravel equipment plays an irreplaceable role in sand and gravel crushing, and it is also the most effective, practical, and reliable sand-making equipment at present. What are the common problems in the use of gravel equipment? How to deal with problems? This article lists some common problems and solutions for everyone.

Gravel Equipment

Causes of the blocking problem of the gravel equipment

1. The conveying capacity of the conveyor exceeds the crushing capacity

When the conveying capacity of the conveyor does not match the crushing capacity of the crusher, the materials behind are quickly poured into the crusher without being crushed, causing blockage when the crushing is not timely.

2. Severe wear of vulnerable parts

The gravel equipment is mainly crushed by a hammer. At the same time, the hammer is also a vulnerable part of the equipment, and it will wear out after some time. If it is not discovered in time, the hammerhead cannot be completely broken when encountering relatively hard materials, so that the materials cannot be discharged in time, and at this time, new materials enter, and material blocking will occur.

3. Improper tightness of the V-belt

The production process of the gravel equipment relies on the V-belt to transmit the power to the sheave wheel to crush the stone. When the triangular drive belt is loose, it will cause slipping. The sheave wheel is not driven by the rotation of the sheave wheel, and the material cannot be subjected to normal crushing force. The material cannot be crushed in the crushing cavity, and then the material blocking phenomenon will occur.

Gravel Equipment

4. The voltage is too low

The unstable voltage will cause uneven and discontinuous feeding of the gravel equipment. If the feeding is uneven, when the feeding speed is greater than the discharging speed, blockages will be formed in the crushing cavity and the discharge port. Broken products cannot be discharged in time, and materials are constantly added to the equipment, which will eventually cause the equipment to block the material, and in severe cases, the equipment will stop under heavy load.

5. Improper adjustment of the discharge opening

In the production process of the crusher, because the discharge speed of the material is too slow or the discharge port is blocked, it may cause obstacles to the discharge of the gravel equipment. In this way, a large number of materials are blocked in the crushing cavity.

Gravel Equipment

The problem of gravel equipment body swing

During the production process of the gravel equipment, there is a certain body swing, but the amplitude is not large. If the body swing exceeds the normal limit, there are three problems.

1. It may be that the wearing parts on the impeller of the crusher are severely worn. If the wearing parts on the impeller are severely worn, it will cause the internal operation of the gravel equipment to be unstable and cause excessive swing. At this time, it can be solved by changing the wearing parts to make the internal impeller of the sand-making machine reach a balanced state.

2. It may be that the equipment swing is too large due to the feed size is too large. When the gravel equipment is designed, the maximum feed size of the equipment is generally 4 to 5 cm. Generally speaking, the feed size of the equipment is 3 to 4 cm. At that time, the amount of finished sand can reach the maximum. If the feed is too large, it will cause the equipment to swing too much. If the feed is too small, the collision and fragmentation will not be sufficient, and it will be difficult to achieve the full amount of finished sand.

3.The gravel equipment may also have obstructions in the flow path of the impeller. If the impeller flow path has obstructions, it will also cause uneven feeding and excessive swing of the machine body. The problem of the excessive swing of the machine body can be solved by removing the obstruction on the impeller flow channel.

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